Hello traveller!

Hello and welcome to the Nexus of Humanity area of my website, to the side you will see links detailing parts of the story aswell as housing an exclusive sample of The Nexus of Humanity!

The Nexus of Humanity is set 27 years after a devistating winter that nearly wiped out humanity in the year 1922. The books follow three survivors who want to rebuild the world.

The Nexus of Humanity is a story spanning four distinct phases all split into seperate books.

The Nexus of Humanity: Doomsday - This is a prequal

The Nexus of Humanity - Sample Avalable Download

The Nexus of Humanity 2: Frostbite - This is the second book

The Nexus of Humanity 3: End of an era - This is the third book

background is by IndigoFlamingo on deviantart. I am not assiciated with them, i just like the image