[You only have Oneshot, User]


Hello, My name is Luca and welcome to my website! Here you will find info regarding my projects aswell as links to other sites I have found through my journey into the internet :D

This site is to allow me to practice HTML and CSS while also acting as a way for me to put my projects out there! also I'ts just fun!

This website looks best on desktop. Once the desktop site is done, I'll work on the mobile version.

As you can see, I really like Oneshot :P

Site Guide

About - Exactly what it says on the tin

UNAVALABLE Fanpages - This is the hub for pages dedicated to my favourate games

UNAVALABLE Favourate Sites - A list of my favourate sites I haveencountered

UNAVALABLE Food - This was a request from my friend Aiden

The Nexus of Humanity - This is my first proper attempt at writing a novel, its set in a post apocalyptic UK and follows 3 survivors as they battle themselves aswell as the dangers of the ruined britain.

UNAVALABLE Team Cat - This is my very first novel idea, its set in a world taken over by aliens and follows 4 heroes with extraordinary powers as they fight for humanities freedom.

UNAVALABLE Oneshot - This is my Oneshot fanpage

UNAVALABLE NITW - This is my Night in the Woods fanpage


Update Log

yeeee hawww